Chrome SLP Test 2

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[ezc_list_posts show_slider=’true’ posts_to_show=’5′] [ezc_list_posts category_name=’Slider’ posts_to_show=’99’ start_at_num=’6′ include_date=’false’] [ezc_list_posts posts_to_show=’10’ orderby=’rand’]


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Plugins This is a pre-alpha section. Many things may not work. [xp_get_posts category_id=’50’ image_size=’xp100′ show_excerpt=’false’ show_cat_name=’false’ theme=’default’]


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mollis, lorem non venenatis vestibulum, justo nisi consequat felis, nec faucibus mauris risus id turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam non justo mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut purus tellus, feugiat a eleifend in, mattis a nunc. In porttitor orci ut est euismod mattis. Etiam et nisi diam, eget tempor nisl. Aliquam malesuada feugiat risus, nec eleifend justo pharetra nec. Phasellus eleifend felis in sapien vulputate laoreet. Mauris malesuada facilisis ligula adipiscing mollis. Donec condimentum iaculis est, suscipit euismod libero malesuada eget.

Sass and Compass

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Sass Documentation – [ezc_accordian_group] [ezc_accordian title=’CSS Border Radius’] border: 1px solid #aaa; @include border-radius(3px); @include border-radius(3px 3px 3px 3px); [/ezc_accordian] [ezc_accordian title=’CSS Gradient Background Image’] @include background-image(linear-gradient($gradient_color_start, $gradient_color_end)); [/ezc_accordian] [ezc_accordian title=’CSS Box Shadow’] @include box-shadow(#999 3px 2px 6px 0px inset); @include box-shadow(#999 3px 2px 6px 0px); [/ezc_accordian] [ezc_accordian title=’If / Else’] $type: monster; p… Read more »

Test: 2 Column Layout – Magazine Style

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[ezc_list_posts show_slider=true category_id=’50’] [ezc_list_posts category_id=’50’ theme=’athens’ show_excerpt=’true’ columns=’2′ thumb_size=’100′] Only two lines of shortcode create the page above this line. One to show the slider, and one to show the posts for this category. The shortcode used is: [ezc_list_posts show_slider=true] [ezc_cat_page category_id=50]

Thumbnail Limitations in WordPress Media Gallery

Posted by & filed under Super List Posts, Unvetted.

WordPress is a great platform. It’s really amazing in many, many ways. And the new Media Gallery features make working with photos a lot easier. But working with thmbnails can be difficult. When using the Super List Posts plugin, thumbnail images work best when you turn on the ‘Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions’ settings. Use… Read more »