Use these tags to create and modify your slides: Img: Hyperlink to image (it is best to make all your images the same size) Title: The title to show. This can be plain text, a hyperlink or a combination of both Note: Text or a hyperlink to show in small print under the title (same… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Unvetted
Travel Slider – Other
Multi Caption Slider Demo
It’s easy to create an interactive photo slider on your blog posts or pages using the [trav_slider] shortcode. To create a slider anywhere on your site, simply add the shortcode to any new or existing page or post. Type the following shortcode segment into your editor: [trav_slider] [/trav_slider] The plugin will use default settings to… Read more »
List Posts in a Slider using the List Posts Plugin
It’s easy to create an interactive photo slider of your blog posts or pages using the [ezc_list_posts] shortcode. To create a slider for your site, simply add a new page or post and type the following shortcode into your visual editor: [ezc_list_posts show_slider=true] When you use the default settings the plugin will show your five… Read more »
Temporary Demo
Using the Super List Posts Plugin
Super List Posts is a powerful WordPress Shortcode plugin that you can use to display listings of your posts or pages. It is easy to use with no need to edit your template files or to use or modify PHP. There are many options available to display your listings including Magazine Style listings or displaying… Read more »
Test: 3 Column Layout – Magazine Style
This text was entered in the ‘Excerpt’ field of this post.
[ezc_accordian_group] [ezc_accordian title=’FirePHP in WordPress’] To Add FirePHP code to a site: Enable the FirePHP plugin. In the FirePHP console (click on the little blue bug) Make sure that Options > Modify User-Agent Header is Checked. Here is the link to Plugin Site: WordPress FirePHP plugin • Inchoo To Delete FirePHP code from a site:… Read more »
Travel Slider – Options
Paste this code in your WordPress page or post: [trav_slider auto_run='false' theme='multi-caption' id='1'] Img: Title: Slide One Img: Title: Slide Two [/trav_slider] Adding Notes and Links
[ezc_accordian_group] [ezc_accordian title=’Button as A Link’] <a href=""> <button style="margin:0 0px 0 0; " id="xp_mjb_download" class="thm_mjrb_button_ok" type="button"> Button Text Here </button> </a> [/ezc_accordian] [ezc_accordian title=’Table in Accordian’] [/ezc_accordian] [ezc_accordian title=’Button 1 Documentation’] Code in: C:HtmlJBakerInfowp-contentplugins!forms-easy-contentlib_default.scss Compile: C:HtmlJBakerInfowp-contentplugins!forms-easy-contentlibthemes_global.css [/ezc_accordian] [/ezc_accordian_group]
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