Test: 2 Column Layout – Magazine Style

Posted by & filed under Super List Posts, Unvetted.

[ezc_list_posts show_slider=true category_id=’50’] [ezc_list_posts category_id=’50’ theme=’athens’ show_excerpt=’true’ columns=’2′ thumb_size=’100′] Only two lines of shortcode create the page above this line. One to show the slider, and one to show the posts for this category. The shortcode used is: [ezc_list_posts show_slider=true] [ezc_cat_page category_id=50]

Using the Super List Posts Plugin

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Super List Posts is a powerful WordPress Shortcode plugin that you can use to display listings of your posts or pages. It is easy to use with no need to edit your template files or to use or modify PHP. There are many options available to display your listings including Magazine Style listings or displaying… Read more »

Thumbnail Limitations in WordPress Media Gallery

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WordPress is a great platform. It’s really amazing in many, many ways. And the new Media Gallery features make working with photos a lot easier. But working with thmbnails can be difficult. When using the Super List Posts plugin, thumbnail images work best when you turn on the ‘Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions’ settings. Use… Read more »

Documentation – Easy Content Super List Posts

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Back to IM Plugins and Tools Home Easy Content Super List Posts [ezc_list_posts show_excerpt=true theme=’bitola’ thumbnail_size=’100′ post_id=’726,7381′] What Is It? You can use this plugin to list posts or pages on your site in many different styles and combinations. Some of the things you can do: Automatically Show Posts in an Interactive Slider Show ‘Magazine… Read more »