You can combine mulitple category ID’s and show all the posts that are contained in these categories.
You can combine mulitple category ID’s and show all the posts that are contained in these categories.
[wpdiv id=”” class=”” style=”margin-bottom:19px; padding: 6px 10px 0px 10px; background: #F0E8C6; font-family: ‘Courier New’, Courier, monospace; border: solid 1px #888″] Shortcode For This Example: [[xp_get_posts post_id=’3056,3110,1894,1702′ image_size=’xp100c’ show_excerpt=’true’ container=’ul’]] [/wpdiv]
Shortcode For This Example:
Example page showing options for the usage of the Super List Posts feature of the xPanda Plugin.
Shortcode For This Example:
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