Travel Slider – Test

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Use these tags to create and modify your slides: Img: Hyperlink to image (it is best to make all your images the same size) Title: The title to show. This can be plain text, a hyperlink or a combination of both Note: Text or a hyperlink to show in small print under the title (same… Read more »

Site Deploy Checklist

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Step 1 – Before Going Live Step Order Area Task Completed 1 1 Settings Verify all site pages and elements display properly on Chrome, Firefox, IE (multiple versions), Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Android, etc. Most importantly, test while logged out. Secondly, test all scenarios while logged in, both the front-end and the back-end. (do this… Read more »


Posted by & filed under Programming Tips and Tricks, Unvetted.

Working with WordPress Databases [ezc_accordian_group] [ezc_accordian title=’WordPress Database CRUD Functions’] WordPress Essentials: Interacting With The WordPress Database | Smashing WordPress [/ezc_accordian] [ezc_accordian title=’Creating a WordPress Database Table’] Example: 1. Replace ‘stats’ with the table name of your choice. 2. Original code can be found here: WordPress: Create custom database tables – PHP – Snipplr Social… Read more »

!-ToDo 02

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Test   WordPress   Select $query="SELECT parent_id FROM cp_submit_to WHERE parent_id='".$article_id."' AND article_directory_name = 'Ezine'"; $rtn = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $countrows=mysql_num_rows($rtn); if ($countrows == 0) {    }      $string = ''; if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){     while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){          $string .= "<b>".$row->name."</b> – ";          $string .= $row->phone."</a>";          $string .= "<br/>n";     } }else{     $string = "No matches!";… Read more »