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Sass Documentation –


[ezc_accordian title=’CSS Border Radius’] border: 1px solid #aaa;

@include border-radius(3px); @include border-radius(3px 3px 3px 3px); [/ezc_accordian]

[ezc_accordian title=’CSS Gradient Background Image’] @include background-image(linear-gradient($gradient_color_start, $gradient_color_end)); [/ezc_accordian]

[ezc_accordian title=’CSS Box Shadow’] @include box-shadow(#999 3px 2px 6px 0px inset); @include box-shadow(#999 3px 2px 6px 0px); [/ezc_accordian]

[ezc_accordian title=’If / Else’] $type: monster; p {   @if $type == ocean {     color: blue;   } @else if $type == matador {     color: red;   } @else if $type == monster {     color: green;   } @else {     color: black;   } }

@if $use_top_gradient == -1 {   background-color: $header_gradient_start;   background-color: #fff;   @include box-shadow(#999 3px 2px 6px 0px inset);   border: 1px solid #666; } @else {   border: 1px solid $header_area_border_color;   background-color: $header_area_background_color; }


[ezc_accordian title=’Import’] @import “compass”; [/ezc_accordian]

[ezc_accordian title=’Other’] @include border-radius(6px 6px 0px 0px ); @include no-bullets; @include horizontal-list; [/ezc_accordian]

[ezc_accordian title=’Quicktabs – WordPress HTML Edit Page Buttons’]

if( !function_exists(‘ezc_add_my_quicktags’) ){ function ezc_add_my_quicktags() { ?>   <script>     /* Add a H1 tag     *     * Params for this are:     * – Button HTML ID (required)     * – Button display, value=”” attribute (required)     * – Opening Tag (required)     * – Closing Tag (required)     * – Access key, accesskey=”” attribute for the button (optional)     * – Title, title=”” attribute (optional)     * – Priority/position on bar, 1-9 = first, 11-19 = second, 21-29 = third, etc. (optional)     */     if ( typeof QTags != ‘undefined’ ) {       QTags.addButton( ‘h3’, ‘H3’, ‘<h3>’, ‘</h3>’);       /* Add function callback button       *       * Params are the same as above except the ‘Opening Tag’ param becomes the callback function’s name       * and the ‘Closing Tag’ is ignored.       */       QTags.addButton( ‘Btn’, ‘Btn’, ezc_skeleton_button );       function ezc_skeleton_button() {         QTags.insertContent(‘[button align=”center” color=”white” size=”small” link=””]nSmall Buttonn[/button]n’);         //alert(‘Just sayin Hi!’);       }     }   >/script> <?php } // We can attach it to ‘admin_print_footer_scripts’ (for admin-only) or ‘wp_footer’ (for front-end only)   add_action(‘admin_print_footer_scripts’,  ‘ezc_add_my_quicktags’); }




[ezc_accordian title=’Title 1′] [/ezc_accordian]

[ezc_accordian title=’Title 2′] [/ezc_accordian]

[ezc_accordian title=’Title 3′] [/ezc_accordian]


Content One

Content Two

Content Three

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