reating a nice clean quotation, testemonial or block quote in a WordPress post can be difficult. The only ‘built-in’ function that is available is the blockquote tag. This is how you can enter a blockquote in your post using the HTML tab: [cc lang=”html”]

Quoted text here…


Each WordPress theme may render blockquotes in it’s own way. In this theme, the above blockqoute looks like this:

Quoted text here…


Hold on though, there are a few more things that you should consider. Whenever you use quoted text, it is proper to cite the original author. If you are obtaining your quote from the web, you will usually also want to provide a link to the site or page where you found the text you quoted.

[feature_box title=”Adding Citations to Quoted Text” title_color=”fff” header_color=”369″] This is the hard way to do it, see the easier way below…[/feature_box]

[blue_message title=”Adding Citations to Quoted Text” title_color=”fff” header_color=”369″] This is the hard way to do it, see the easier way below…[/blue_message]


Plagiarism occurs when a student, with intent to deceive or with reckless disregard for proper scholarly procedures, presents any information, ideas or phrasing of another as if they were his/her own and/or does not give appropriate credit to the original source.

Proper scholarly procedures require that all quoted material be identified by quotation marks or indentation on the page, and the source of information and ideas, if from another, must be identified and be attributed to that source.

More Information
You can set the default text values for the Memo unit in your WordPress dashboard. Go to Settings --> xPanda.
Click & Go To Page

WordPress does not make this easy. You need to manually add the link and citation to the author. And there is no quick or simple way to format the quote so that it has a nice look. For example, let’s take a quote from Duke University’s page on plagiarism. Here is the quote using the standard [cci lang=”html”]

[/cci] tag. First the blockquote code as you would enter it in your post:

[cc lang=”php” nowrap=”false”]

Plagiarism occurs when a student, with intent to deceive or with reckless disregard for proper scholarly procedures, presents any information, ideas or phrasing of another as if they were his/her own and/or does not give appropriate credit to the original source.


This code would display on your page as:

Plagiarism occurs when a student, with intent to deceive or with reckless disregard for proper scholarly procedures, presents any information, ideas or phrasing of another as if they were his/her own and/or does not give appropriate credit to the original source.

If you want to add a citation and a link to the author’s site, you have to manually do it yourself. [clearline]

[clearline] [clearline]

A large quotation. The content of a blockquote element must include block-level elements such as headings, lists, paragraphs or div’s.


A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would normally require lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line. Shortcode = shortcut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer accumsan sagittis porta. Morbi dignissim leo sed metus dignissim convallis vel at libero. Aliquam vel rhoncus est. Nunc volutpat lacinia sagittis. Proin et velit vitae lectus elementum lacinia. Proin non eros eget odio lobortis pulvinar vitae et ipsum.


[quote author=”Dolor Sedamet”] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer accumsan sagittis porta. Morbi dignissim leo sed metus dignissim convallis vel at libero. Aliquam vel rhoncus est. Nunc volutpat lacinia sagittis. Proin et velit vitae lectus elementum lacinia. Proin non eros eget odio lobortis pulvinar vitae et ipsum. [/quote]


[quote_left author=”Dolor Sedamet”] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer accumsan sagittis porta. Morbi dignissim leo sed metus dignissim convallis vel at libero. Aliquam vel rhoncus est. Nunc volutpat lacinia sagittis. Proin et velit vitae lectus elementum lacinia. Proin non eros eget odio lobortis pulvinar vitae et ipsum.[/quote_left]


[quote_right author=”Dolor Sedamet”] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer accumsan sagittis porta. Morbi dignissim leo sed metus dignissim convallis vel at libero. Aliquam vel rhoncus est. Nunc volutpat lacinia sagittis. Proin et velit vitae lectus elementum lacinia. Proin non eros eget odio lobortis pulvinar vitae et ipsum.[/quote_right]


[one_third] [/one_third] [one_third] [/one_third] [one_third_last] [/one_third_last]

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