What’s the Story With Plugins? Earlier today I had read a forum post where people were talking about how WordPress plugins might impact the speed or responsiveness of your site. Since I do a lot of work writing custom themes and plugins I’ve always been of the opinion that a well written plugin is no… Read more »
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Tab Demo
Best Signup Forms
Tab Unit 11
My New Post with a Tab Unit….
Temp Demo
WordPress Responsive Themes

If you are not using a responsive theme for your WordPress blog then you might as well stop right now. [smoothslider id=’1′] Minimum Qualifications Needed for a Usable Responsive Theme: Fully respond to width changes down to 340 pixels wide. Include a Full-Width or ‘Designer’ page to allow your own custom layout. ????? Bonus: Includes… Read more »
Test Wide Column
Write a Post on Why People MUST use the wp-minify plugin…
Write a Post on Why People MUST use the wp-minify plugin… It really does speed up sites, especially mine where you can’t use gzip.
How To Add the XPFLUID Class to WordPress Images
Write a description here. Link to this page from the xPanda admin page so users can go here to see how to use fluid images.
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