Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mollis, lorem non venenatis vestibulum, justo nisi consequat felis, nec faucibus mauris risus id turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam non justo mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut purus tellus, feugiat a eleifend in, mattis a nunc. In porttitor orci ut est euismod mattis. Etiam et nisi diam, eget tempor nisl. Aliquam malesuada feugiat risus, nec eleifend justo pharetra nec. Phasellus eleifend felis in sapien vulputate laoreet. Mauris malesuada facilisis ligula adipiscing mollis. Donec condimentum iaculis est, suscipit euismod libero malesuada eget.
Monthly Archives:: January 2015
The author of the plugin: Easy Table is The Easiest Way to Create Table in WordPress has uploaded a new beta version to Git-Hub. Easy Table 1.0 Beta is ready for testing.
Plugins This is a pre-alpha section. Many things may not work. [xp_get_posts category_id=’50’ image_size=’xp100′ show_excerpt=’false’ show_cat_name=’false’ theme=’default’]
Slider Plugin
Documentation: Code – Display in WordPress Fonts Hotkeys Sass and Compass Tables Tabs Clear These To Do: Where is all the css kept? Some type of table layout for each pages needed information. Tables How to Display Headings Different Styling Rules for use Buttons Lists Code Themes Add image to my header… Footer Amazon Text… Read more »
KB Type Demo
Easy Content Slider Plugin Coming Soon… [xp_kb_slider name=’kb_test’ mode=’xf’ speed=’30’ fade=’1′ width=’640′ height = ‘145’] slider/geese.jpg, up slider/trumpeter.jpg, down slider/swimming.jpg, up slider/blackbird.jpg, down [/xp_kb_slider] [xp_kb_slider name=’speed_test’ mode=’xf’ speed=’30’ fade=’1′ width=’640′ height = ‘145’] slider/geese.jpg, up slider/trumpeter.jpg, down slider/swimming.jpg, up slider/blackbird.jpg, down [/xp_kb_slider] [xp_kb_slider sleep=’4′ fade=’1′ width=’640′ height = ‘200’] slider/veggies.jpg slider/peppers.jpg slider/beach.jpg slider/garden01.jpg [/xp_kb_slider]
WWKT Download
Temporarily Unavailable: Google has made some changes to their search interface as of 6/30/11. We are working on modifications to the Wonder Wheel Keyword Tool and will re-open sales when it is available. Please see this page with our current information.
Install Test
Please help me identify the issue that is causing failed Microsoft ClickOnce installs on some Windows 7 computers. Click here or on this image to install this small test program. Test line – delete this anytime.
Featured Image Settings for EZC Automatic Sliders
Working With Aspect Ratio and Different Sized Images
The EZC Multi Caption Slider works best when it is displaying images that are all the same size or have the same aspect ratio (width/height). Here are three images uploaded using the built in WordPress Media library. They are three different sizes, but the aspect ratio is the same for all of them. Actual size… Read more »
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