Monthly Archives:: January 2015
xPanda Plugin Test Post
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Write a Post on Why People MUST use the wp-minify plugin…
Write a Post on Why People MUST use the wp-minify plugin… It really does speed up sites, especially mine where you can’t use gzip.
Functionality: Plugins vs Themes (see the link)
Functionality: Plugins vs Themes | Wptuts+ – Nice post about how WordPress works: Between functions.php, widgets and plugins, which is loaded first? – WordPress Answers Good WordPress site about programming and plugins: Pippins Plugins | Daily WordPress Plugin Tutorials, Tips, Tricks, and Development WordPress Tutorial-Create Plugin: Create a Custom WordPress Plugin From Scratch |… Read more »
The Best Way to Handle Your Text and Code Snippets
How To Add the XPFLUID Class to WordPress Images
Write a description here. Link to this page from the xPanda admin page so users can go here to see how to use fluid images.
Content Curation Shortcodes for Quotations and Citations
reating a nice clean quotation, testemonial or block quote in a WordPress post can be difficult. The only ‘built-in’ function that is available is the blockquote tag. This is how you can enter a blockquote in your post using the HTML tab: [cc lang=”html”] Quoted text here… [/cc] Each WordPress theme may render blockquotes in… Read more »
Displaying a Featured Image Thumbnail
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu nibh nisi, vel commodo arcu. Phasellus id viverra ipsum. Etiam commodo feugiat pretium. Aliquam pretium, nisl vitae dapibus ullamcorper, risus ligula euismod neque, in convallis elit dui vitae urna. Curabitur ligula lectus, bibendum in feugiat vel, condimentum sit amet turpis. Nunc non odio ac turpis… Read more »
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