There are a number of different types of xPanda units: [memor w=125 txtc=”Memo Photo Random Photo Facebook Twitter Google+ Newspaper Style” txtt=”xPanda Units:” txtb=”What Else Could You Need?” bgtb=”293D2C” bgc=”D2CABC”]

Using xPanda units in your pages or posts:

To use you simply type in the Shortcode for the type of x-Panda unit you would like to use. All the units are totally customizable and are perfect for doing internal linking on your site. Here is how they can help you with your sites:

  • Extremely quick to use. You can add an x-Panda unit to a page or post in seconds. Once you set up a few it can just be a matter of cut and paste.
  • Reduce bounce rate – x-Panda units on a page virtually guarantee your visitor will go to another page on your site if they don’t click on an ad or offer.
  • Add visual appeal to your page. Enhance the user experience by giving them more information than they expected to find.
  • Find out what your visitors are really looking for by putting x-Panda units on your pages and monitoring which ones get clicked on.
  • ADD CONTENT to your page every time you add an xPanda unit. xPanda units are totally text based and CSS optimized. The look just like text to a bot. No goofy flash or javascript. Keep your pages fresh AND good looking!

Example Useage:

xPanda units use the WordPress Shortcode feature. Shortcodes are special or specific words surrounded by brackets. The first xPanda unit is call memo. To use a memo unit in your post, type in memo, then add a lower-case l or r to specify whether it should be left or right aligned, enclosed in square brackets. To insert a left aligned memo you would type in: &#91memol]

When your page is displayed your memo unit would look like this:

Curabitur consectetur, velit nec vehicula rhoncus, nisl ligula consectetur dolor, vel sagittis ante est feugiat nisi. Morbi ut diam magna, euismod vestibulum metus. Nullam semper dapibus urna et elementum. Aliquam ac iaculis ante. Donec varius eros vel massa eleifend pellentesque. [memol w=”125″ txtt=”More Information” txtc=”Want to learn more about how you can use the xPanda plugin?” txtb=”Click & Go To Page” gbtb=”334C37″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet tellus neque. Quisque in tortor a ipsum semper ultrices dictum et mauris. Morbi lacus dolor, condimentum nec lacinia sit amet, rhoncus sit amet ligula. Cras fringilla, lacus non interdum viverra, metus massa euismod magna, eu pellentesque lacus enim vel purus. Sed ultrices elit vitae neque tristique cursus. Mauris mollis, arcu nec tincidunt vulputate, erat est luctus felis, vel suscipit eros lorem in arcu. Pellentesque convallis ultrices eros id rhoncus. Morbi vehicula nisl sit amet nulla facilisis dictum. Mauris pretium enim elit, et sodales diam. Aliquam ut dignissim nisl. Vestibulum sagittis enim vel nibh molestie aliquet. Proin varius dapibus elit eu bibendum. Nullam dui enim, semper at volutpat vel, ullamcorper ut risus.

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