Last modified:

This line can be any text or a link.

This is text only.

Let’s move the caption to the top.

The caption color can be set to solid.

This is text only.

You can set the caption color for each slide.

The opacity of the caption can be set to 0

This is text only.

Guess what ‘cool’ guy took this photo?

Photo by Mike Baker

And… the Pause/Play button works.

The display time length can be changed.

Hovering the mouse over the slider pauses it.

Happy Salsa!

Use these tags to create and modify your slides:

  • Img: Hyperlink to image (it is best to make all your images the same size)
  • Title: The title to show. This can be plain text, a hyperlink or a combination of both
  • Note: Text or a hyperlink to show in small print under the title (same as link)
  • Link: Hyperlink or a text to show in small print under the title (same as note)
  • Attrib: Text or hyperlink that shows at bottom right of the slide. Usually used for attribution.
  • Color: Set the color of the caption background. (The default is blue-ish.)
  • Opacity: How ‘transparent’ you want the caption background to be. Accepts decimal numbers from 0 to 1. 0 is totally transparent. 1 sets to color to solid. (The default is .75)
  • PctFromTop: Whole number from 0 to approx 80. Where vertically to show the overlay caption. (The default is 55)
  • pause_time: Set in milliseconds. 5000 = 5 seconds.
Slider Notes and Options:

Shortcodes to wrap slider:


[trav_slider theme='multi-caption']


Images and other options go here





Use these tags to create and modify your slides:


Img: Hyperlink to image (it is best to make all your images the same size)

Title: The title to show. This can be plain text, a hyperlink or a combination of both

Note: Text or a hyperlink to show in small print under the title (same as link)

Link: Hyperlink or a text to show in small print under the title (same as note)

Attrib: Text or hyperlink that shows at bottom right of the slide. Usually used for attribution.

Color: Set the color of the caption background. (The default is blue-ish.)

Opacity: How 'transparent' you want the caption background to be. Accepts decimal numbers from 0 to 1. 0 is totally transparent. 1 sets to color to solid. (The default is .75)

PctFromTop: Whole number from 0 to approx 70. Where vertically to show the overlay caption. (The default is 55)

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